Do you know who is the Biggest INFLUENCER ever for a BABY

Do you know who is the Biggest INFLUENCER ever for a BABY

When a Woman gets pregnant she is responsible for the life growing in her. All the thoughts she creates within her influences the baby. Her environment influences her feelings and energy which again reflects to her child. 

These are few of the reasons why a mother is revered and respected as she sacrifices her-time and gives a lot of child-time so that the being nurtured in her is a beautiful soul.

Conscious Pregnancy is a term that once you conceive your baby the after care that your child can get from you is so relative to the way you feel. Though the hormones and the other effects of pregnancy is part of you, it is possible to maintain that mindfulness while pregnant. One of the best times to align with yourself is when you are pregnant. You are doing all this for a soul growing within you. You have this immense potential to be the greatest “Influencer” for your baby by being mindful.

Being in the body

Giving yourself some good alone time to sit and meditate either in the comfort of your room or a beautiful park or a beach. You could add some soothing music on and touch the upper stomach one hand and the lowest part of your tummy with the other hand and breath. While you do this connect to the heartbeat of your baby. This feeling is something we will always be grateful for as a woman cause only you can experience this grace of a life in you. 

Make Every Single food you eat COUNT

Literally Make anything your put inside your tummy a value addition. If you want to consume fruits its important which form you take it in. You may just like to take a packaged pomegranate juice, which is just a pack of sugar water. OR making this juice at home again is better than option one. But the best way to have a fruit is to eat the fruit. Add some chia seeds on top for added nutrition. Fruits & Yummy salads to have while pregnant.

Watch & Read & Create a Good Mind Space

Its absolutely important to read and watch stuff that keeps you in a balanced state. This inturn creates the right feelings in you for your baby. What I mean is never hear people’s sad stories try and avoid this, also seeing movies that involve war or fights or horror. Listening to Mantras  is a great way to calm yourself. Fill your youtube video list with inspiring and mindful talks. Fun laughter and good energy series that would simply fill you with Happy laughters and emotions, is again a best method.

Fit Mommy Fun

Any form of exercise, Walking, Yoga, Dancing, Swimming anything that works for you, Simply move that bump Mommies. This is one of the best forms of to connect with your body cause it simply pumps in that much needed oxygen for you and your baby. Sweat it out, dance it out. But always listen to your body and also your doctor before you start any routine. Give it a few trial classes before you do it as a routine.


If you are a working mother , you would get your share of socializing and meeting people time. But if you are a work from home mother or a stay at home mom, make sure you get out of your home and meet people. This could be either in your workout classes or your fun friend groups. Always interact with your like minded and inspiring good energy people to keep your energy up as well.